Model Inventory Home


The Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Science Program (DSP) is leading an effort to catalyze, convene, and facilitate the community in creating a Collaboratory for ecosystem modeling to inform Delta decision makers with the best available and useable information. As one of the key actions, the Delta Science Plan calls for the development of a collaborative community-modeling framework and Collaboratory. The Delta Science Program is bringing together model developers, model users, managers, and executives from all different professional backgrounds working on complex Delta issues. The DSP’s charge is to develop a strategic plan for building a sustainable modeling community and a governance framework that links the short (1-5 years), intermediate (5-10 years), and long-term (10-30 years) decision universe with key management questions. Toward this end, this model inventory includes models in current use in the Delta across a range of engineering, science, and social science disciplines. This inventory was developed through the combined expertise of individuals working in the different domains identified. Each model description contains a brief summary and features that are pertinent to future model integration. This model inventory is meant to be a living document and will be updated over time as models are updated, new studies are completed, and new models are developed.  

Reservoir Operations Models

Hydrodynamics Models

Human Ecology and Economics Models

Groundwater - Surface Water Models

Fisheries and Ecosystems Models

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Land Use Models

Water Quality Models

Soil Chemistry and Salinity Models

Consumptive Use Models

Processing and Visualization Tools


Model inventory developed for Delta Stewardship Council Integrated Modeling Steering Committee (IMSC)