Criterion | Explanation |
General Description | Delft3D Flexible Mesh (FM) allows the modeler to simulate the interaction of water, sediment, ecology, and water quality in time and space. Delft3D-FM is the successor model to the structured Delft3D model. The suite is mostly used for the modeling of natural environments like coastal, estuarine, lakes and river areas, but it is equally suitable for more artificial environments like harbours, locks, and urban areas. Delft3D FM consists of several validated modules, which are linked to and integrated with each other. The model website is at: |
Model Domain | The model domain is flexible and can be specified by the user, and can include coastal, estuarine, lakes and river areas. |
Developer | Developed by Deltares, based in the Netherlands |
Hardware computing requirements | Delft3D FM is supported on both Microsoft Windows and Linux. |
Code language | FORTRAN (technical code), C++ (GUI) |
Original application | The original focus and application of the model was to the marine environment of the Netherlands. |
Public/proprietary and cost | Deltares offers service packages (including the full model download) at varying costs. The model is available as open source code. |
Physically or empirically based | Physically based |
Mathematical methods used | Combined curvilinear and unstructured grid discretization approach along with finite volume numerical schemes to compute estuarine flows, salinity, and temperature dynamics |
Input data requirements | Input data for the Delta is well-parameterized and readily available from public sources. Input data includes:
Outputs | Water level, flow volume and direction, salinity, water temperature, water quality (pollutant, sediment) concentrations; Model output is written to binary files for use by the model GUI, however observation points can be specified for ASCII time series files to be written for post-processing. |
Pre-processing and post-processing tools | The technical code is built in to a comprehensive Graphical User Interface (GUI). |
Representation of uncertainty | Uncertainty is not represented. |
Prevalence | The model has been applied to marine environments in the Netherlands, USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and Venice. |
Ease of use for public entities | Model training is available. Computational requirements can be large; parallel computing was used for Delta model. |
Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support | User meetings, online forum, training courses. Deltares offers service packages at varying costs. |
Source code availability | The model is freely available as open source code. |
Status of model development | The model has an active user and developer community. |
Challenges in integration | Because the model is open source, well documented, and has an active user and development community, challenges to integration are few. |
Achete, F. M., van der Wegen, M., Roelvink, D., and Jaffe, B. A 2-D process-based model for suspended sediment dynamics: a first step towards ecological modeling, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2837-2857,, 2015.
Achete, F.M., van der Wegen, M., Roelvink, D. et al. Suspended sediment dynamics in a tidal channel network under peak river flow. Ocean Dynamics (2016) 66: 703.
Achete, F., van der Wegen, M., Roelvink, J. et al. How can climate change and engineered water conveyance affect sediment dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system? Climatic Change (2017) 142: 375.
Holleman, R.; Nuss, E.; Senn, D. 2017. San Francisco Bay Interim Model Validation Report. SFEI Contribution No. 850. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. Available at:
Martyr-Koller, R.C., Kernkamp, H.W.J., van Dam, A., van der Wegen, M., Lucas, L.V., Knowles, N., Jaffe, B. and Fregoso, T.A., 2017. Application of an unstructured 3D finite volume numerical model to flows and salinity dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 192, pp. 86-107. Available at:
Vroom, J., van der Wegen, M., Martyr-Koller, R. C., & Lucas, L. V. 2017. What determines water temperature dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system? Water Resources Research, 53, 9901–9921.
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