

USRWQM (Upper Sacramento River Water Quality Model)



Model name/version

USRWQM (Upper Sacramento River Water Quality Model)

General Description

Model developed using HEC-5Q model simulations with embedded Shasta Dam Temperature Control Device (TCD) algorithm and inclusion of North of Delta Offstream Storage (NODOS) Sites Reservoir options.

Model Domain

Sacramento River


U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Hardware computing requirements

HEC-5 – Eight (8) MB or more of RAM are recommended.
HEC-5Q – 32 MB RAM or higher recommended, Pentium based microprocessor or higher.
CALSIM II – Not specified
Shasta Dam TCD – Not specified

Code language

Shasta Dam TCD – FORTRAN

Original application

Simulate thermal regime of reservoirs and river reaches of the Upper Sacramento River system (locales include Shasta, Trinity, Lewiston, Whiskeytown, Keswick and Black Butte Reservoirs; Trinity River; Clear Creek; Upper Sacramento River from Shasta to Knights Landing; and Stony Creek) and provide an evaluation of temperature impacts due to alternative conditions.

Public/proprietary and cost

No public source of TCD algorithm available. Availability of individual components (HEC-5, HEC-5Q, CALSIM II) can be found in related model characterizations.

Physically or empirically based

Physically based model using mass balance and heat balance

Mathematical methods used

CALSIM II used to simulate flow operation scenarios for input into HEC-5Q after downscaling with CALSIM25Q utility program. The HEC-5Q embedded Shasta Dam TCD algorithm used was modified to operate the Shasta spillway, flood control outlets and TCD gates to meet tailwater temperature targets. System flows computed with HEC-5. Daily temperature distribution in rivers and reservoirs computed with HEC-5Q.

Input data requirements

Meteorological and hydrologic data: Initial reservoir volumes, time-varying input for all reservoir and tributary inflows, reservoir releases, river diversions, inflow temperatures, air temperature, tail-water temperature targets, flow rates, and water quality.

Meteorological data easily obtained from public databases, specific hydrologic data may be obtained from peer reviewed literature or individual government/public entities.


Four-layer water temperature and water mixing for targeted temperatures at various output locations on daily timescale. After post-processing of HEC-5Q output, data is represented as annual minimums, maximums, medians, 10%, 90% and as a time series that can be further processed in Excel. TCD component outputs flow rates and water temperatures based on open/closed gates.

Pre-processing and post-processing tools

No model tools provided with the exception of those provided by CALSIM II, HEC-5, HEC-5Q

Representation of uncertainty

Uncertainty not incorporated into framework during development of USRWQM. Please see related model characterizations for uncertainty in HEC-5, HEC-5Q, CALSIM II models.


Model commonly used by federal and state agencies for water planning, compliance and prediction of operational changes on river and reservoir temperature changes. Limited use by academic institutes.

Ease of use for public entities

Moderate – hard: requires training in multiple models

Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support

No commercial help desk available. No forums specific to USRWQM found. Information regarding HEC-5, HEC-5Q, CALSIM II can be found in related model characterizations.

Model and source code availability

Some model components available, please see related model characterizations (CALSIM II, HEC-5, HEC-5Q). TCD algorithm and source code can be made available upon request to developer.

Status of model development

Some model components available for immediate used (CALSIM II, HEC-5, HEC-5Q), embedded TCD algorithm available for immediate use once obtained from developer. No future developmental status found.

Challenges for integration

Model integration may not be applicable with other models requiring data at monthly or larger time steps. Adapting this model for estimating temperature regimes in the Delta would be challenging due to complexity of factors and processes affecting water temperature in the Delta.


Resource Management Associates, Inc. 2003. Upper Sacramento River Water Quality Modeling with HEC-5Q: Model Calibration and Validation. Available at http://deltacouncil.ca.gov/docs/upper-sacramento-river-water-quality-modeling-hec-5q-model-calibration-and-validation (accessed 19 October 2018).

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 2013. Modeling Appendix: Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation, California. Available at https://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/includes/documentShow.php?Doc_ID=14118 (accessed 19 October 2018).

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