

DSM2 (Delta Simulation Model)



General Description

Delta Simulation Model (DSM2) is a one-dimensional (1D) model that simulates hydrodynamic and water quality transport in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. It calculates stages, flows, velocities; mass transport processes, including salts, conservative and non-conservative constituents, temperature, THM formation potential and individual particles. The model was originally developed and calibrated in 1997. In 2000, the model was recalibrated and validated, and is actively updated.

Model Domain

The model domain spans the Delta and Suisun Bay. Upstream riverine boundaries include the Sacramento River at Sacramento, the San Joaquin River at Vernalis, and East side streams (Mokelumne, Cosumnes and Calaveras Rivers). The downstream tidal boundary is defined at Martinez.


Department of Water Resources (DWR)

Hardware computing requirements

Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows Vista.

Code language

Visual Fortran Version 6.0.2
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

Original application

Sacramento – San Joaquin River Delta

Public/proprietary and cost

Public, free

Physically or empirically based

Physically based

Mathematical methods used

Simulation uses a dynamic wave approximation with constant density and sinuosity. HYDRO: 1-D flow, velocity, depth, and water surface elevations. QUAL: 1-D fate and transport of conservative and non-conservative constituents. PTM: Pseudo 3-D transport of neutrally buoyant particles.

Input data requirements

Hydro: Geometry data (channel configuration, gates and barriers); Initial conditions (velocity, water level), boundary conditions (flow, tides, consumptive use, gate/pump ops), simulation parameters (simulation length, time step);

Qual: Initial conditions, constituent concentration (e.g. salinity), boundary conditions (constituent sources), simulation parameters (simulation length, time step, desired output, rate coefficients)


Hydro: Flow, velocity, water surface elevation, in the format of binary results at nodes, text output, dss output;

Qual: conservative or non-conservative concentrations, in the format of binary results at nodes, text output and dss output of concentrations

Pre-processing and post-processing tools

  • Open command window: a free tool by Microsoft. It allows to get a command window by right clicking a location in Windows file explorer.
  • Notepad++: a text editor that works well with DSM2 input data and integrates nicely into the Windows file explorer.
  • DiffMerge: a good free differencing tool for text files.
  • Vista: one of the first graphical tools for examining data in HEC-DSS format, comes with DSM2 in the /dsm2/vista/bin directory
  • HEC-DSSVue is distributed by HEC and is actively maintained. Most people use DSSVUE as their primary tool with Vista for specific tasks.
  • HDFView and HDF-Explorer are two independent browsers for the HDF5 file format.

Representation of uncertainty

None specified.


Yes. Frequently used to ascertain impacts of potential changes in Delta conditions. User base in primarily Delta related, including state and federal agencies, and outside users including academic groups and consultants.

Ease of use for public entities

The model continues to have calibrations updated. Model and inputs to run the model are available for download. Use of the model requires some experience. Limited user interface, input and output is primarily through files.

Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support

The model code, executables and documentation are all available for download. There is also a user group that provides technical support and model input data, especially for previously developed scenarios.

Source code availability


Status of model development

Latest version 8.1.2 was released on 11/01/2013. The model was calibrated, and the results and documentation are available for download. A particle tracking module (PTM) has been used for various applications and simulates pseudo 3-D transport of neutrally buoyant particles based on the flow field simulated by HYDRO. Modules to simulate nutrients and mercury chemistry is under development.

Challenges in integration

The model provides predictions of flow, stage and water quality simulations for many constituents at a 15-minute interval. It provides many opportunities for integration with other models.
Challenges may occur if other models do not provide same amount of detail information at the time step required (15-minute interval). Previous integration includes using exports derived from statewide water transfer and storage simulation model CALSIM.


DWR. 1997. 18th Annual Progress Report. June.

DWR. 2002. DSM2 Tutorial. An introduction to the Delta Simulation Model II (DSM2) for simulation of hydrodynamics and water quality of the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta. Draft. February 2002.

DSM2PWT. 2001. Enhanced calibration and validation of DSM2 HYDRO and QUAL, draft final report, Interagency Ecological Program for the Sacramento – San Joaquin Estuary. November.

Model inventory developed for Delta Stewardship Council Integrated Modeling Steering Committee (IMSC)