HEC-DSSVue (Hydrologic Engineering Center's Data Storage System Visual Utility Engine)
Criterion | Explanation |
General Description | HEC-DSSVue is a graphical user interface program for viewing, editing, and manipulating data in the HEC Data Storage System (HEC-DSS) database files. HEC-DSS is a database system designed to efficiently store and retrieve scientific data that is typically sequential, including time series data, paired data, and spatially oriented gridded data. |
Model Domain | N/A |
Developer | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) |
Hardware computing requirements | Supported systems include Microsoft Windows and Unix. It is also available for Linux. |
Code language | HEC-DSSVue was written using the Java programming language. |
Original application | HEC-DSS originated at the Hydrologic Engineering Center in 1979. Since that time, many have worked on the development of the HEC-DSS software and the HEC-DSS utility programs, including private consultants. |
Public/proprietary and cost | The software is available to the public at no cost. It is not known whether the source code is available to the public. |
Physically or empirically based | N/A |
Mathematical methods used | HEC-DSSVue can apply the following types of mathematical functions: arithmetic, general (such as units conversion or round-off), time functions, hydrologic functions, smoothing functions, and statistics functions. |
Input data requirements | The input data is a HEC-DSS database file. |
Outputs | The software can export text files, Excel files, image files, and plot files. |
Pre-processing and post-processing tools | N/A |
Representation of uncertainty | Uncertainty analysis is not integrated into the modeling framework. |
Prevalence | The software is used extensively in the public and private sectors. |
Ease of use for public entities | There are no barriers to the widespread use of HEC-DSSVue. The software is well-documented and widely used. |
Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support | A comprehensive User's Manual is provided with the software. HEC can only provide technical support for this software to Army Corps of Engineers users. However, third-party vendors are readily available to provide paid support for use of the software. |
Source code availability | Unknown |
Status of model development | The software is mature. |
Challenges for integration | The use of scripts and plug-ins make HEC-DSSVue a flexible tool for integration. |
HEC-DSSVue, HEC Data Storage System Visual Utility Engine User's Manual Version 2.0, July 2009. US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). Available at: http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-dssvue/documentation/User'sManual_2.0/HEC-DSSVue_20_Users_Manual.pdf
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