EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code)
Criterion | Explanation |
General Description | The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) is a multifunctional surface water modeling system, which includes hydrodynamic, sediment-contaminant, and eutrophication components. EFDC has been applied to over 100 water bodies including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries, and coastal ocean regions in support of environmental assessment and management and regulatory requirements. The model website is at: https://www.epa.gov/ceam/environmental-fluid-dynamics-code-efdc |
Model Domain | The model domain is flexible and can be specified by the user, and can include coastal, estuarine, lakes and river areas. |
Developer | Developed by John Hamrick at Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Tetra Tech developed, maintained, and supported EFDC from 1996 - 2007 with support from the EPA |
Hardware computing requirements | Windows, Sun, Unix |
Code language | FORTRAN |
Original application | Chesapeake Bay estuary, other estuary and wetland systems; power plant cooling water discharge |
Public/proprietary and cost | Model and source code are in the public domain. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/ceam/environment-fluid-dynamics-code-efdc-download-page |
Physically or empirically based | Physically based |
Mathematical methods used | Finite difference; solves three-dimensional, vertically hydrostatic, free surface, turbulent averaged equations of motion for a variable-density fluid. Dynamically-coupled transport equations for turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent length scale, salinity and temperature are also solved. |
Input data requirements | Input data includes:
Outputs | The model outputs a variety of array file formats for three-dimensional vector and scalar field visualization. Model outputs include: Water level, flow volume and direction, salinity, water temperature, water quality (pollutant, sediment) concentrations. |
Pre-processing and post-processing tools | A third-party GUI developed by Dynamic Solutions-International, LLC (DSI) is available for pre- and post-processing. |
Representation of uncertainty | Uncertainty analysis is not integrated into the modeling framework. |
Prevalence | Broad use in US and abroad; was part of EPA's TMDL Toolbox; no longer supported by EPA |
Ease of use for public entities | The third-party GUI developed by Dynamic Solutions-International, LLC (DSI) would be required for training and set-up, otherwise the time required to set up the model would be extensive. |
Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support | DSI has created a pre, post processor and GUI for EFDC through a subscription-based service. The company offers training and other user resources. |
Source code availability | The source code is available for modification if needed. |
Status of model development | Last release by EPA September 2007; DSI continues to develop and support model for a fee. |
Challenges in integration | As part of the EPA's TMDL toolbox, EFDC was tailored to integrate with watershed models. Because EFDC and the TMDL toolbox are no longer supported by the EPA, some challenge may exist in obtaining the most up to date source code and documentation. |
Lu, S., P. Craig, C. Wallen, Z. Liu, A. Stoddard, W. McAnnally and E. Maak, 2012. An Extended-Delta Hydrodynamic Model Framework for Sea Level Rise Analysis to Support Resource Management Planning for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Dynamic Solutions, Knoxville, TN. Presented at CWEMF 2012 Annual Meeting, Folsom, CA. Available at: http://www.cwemf.org/AMPresentations/2012/EFDCModelFrameworkPres.pdf
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