

RMA2 Model



General Description

RMA2 is a two-dimensional depth averaged finite element hydrodynamic numerical model. It computes water surface elevations and horizontal velocity components for subcritical, free-surface two-dimensional flow fields. The program has been applied to calculate water levels and flow distribution around islands, flow at bridges having one or more relief openings, in contracting and expanding reaches, into and out of off-channel hydropower plants, at river junctions, and into and out of pumping plant channels, circulation and transport in water bodies with wetlands, and general water levels and flow patterns in rivers, reservoirs, and estuaries.  The model website is at:  https://www.aquaveo.com/software/sms-rma2

Model Domain

The model domain is flexible and can be specified by the user, and can include estuarine, lakes and river areas.


The original RMA2 was developed by Norton, King and Orlob of Water Resources Engineers, for the Walla Walla District, Corps of Engineers, and delivered in 1973. Further development was carried out by King and Roig at the University of California, Davis. Subsequent enhancements have been made by King and Norton, of Resource Management Associates (RMA), and by the USA ERDC at the Waterways Experiment Station (WES) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.

Hardware computing requirements

Microsoft Windows-based operating systems

Code language


Original application

RMA2 was one of the first widely used multi-dimensional hydrodynamics models applied to riverine and estuarine applications.

Public/proprietary and cost

RMA2 is part of the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS). SMS is available at no cost to employees of the US Army Corps of Engineers, its research labs, and on-site contractors. SMS is also available for purchase through the commercial firm Aquaveo.

Physically or empirically based

Physically based

Mathematical methods used

RMA2 solves the depth-integrated equations of fluid mass and momentum conservation in two horizontal directions by the finite element method using the Galerkin Method of weighted residuals.

Input data requirements

Boundary inflows, meteorological data (evaporation, precipitation, wind), grid/bathymetry parameters, water surface elevation and salinity initial conditions, flow diversions


Model output includes water velocity and water level. Binary and ASCII output files. SMS is necessary for viewing model output.

Pre-processing and post-processing tools

RMA2 is part of the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS), which can be used as a pre- and post-processing tool.

Representation of uncertainty

Uncertainty is not integrated into the modeling framework.


Many applications to the Bay-Delta have been performed by the firm Resource Management Associates (RMA).

Ease of use for public entities

Public users are required to purchase SMS from Aquaveo.

Ease of obtaining information and availability of technical support

Technical support is available through the Corps of Engineers for employees or contractors, or through Aquaveo for other parties.

Source code availability

The source code is not publicly available.

Status of model development

No information is available on the status of model development.

Challenges in integration

The model provides outputs in binary and text files. Hydrodynamic model outputs can be integrated with other models. 

Related content

Model inventory developed for Delta Stewardship Council Integrated Modeling Steering Committee (IMSC)